Friday, May 20, 2011

Julie asks Jack how to help her friend

Dear Jack,

My friend at school told me that she really misses her dad.  Her parents don’t live together anymore and it makes her sad.  I’m not sure what to say to my friend and I don’t really understand what a “separation” means.  How do I help her?



Dear Julie,

The very best thing you can do for your friend is to listen.   You don’t have to say anything to make her feel better.  Just be with her.

Sometimes when parents separate they feel angry and hurt, but don’t know how to handle those feelings.  Sometimes they have problems deciding what to do and the kids feel stuck in the middle.  Usually kids want their parents to stay together.  But sometimes things feel so bad that they might wish parents would separate.  Strange as it may seem, sometimes things are better for a family when the parents decide to separate.  A separation can be long or short.  It can even go on for years.  During the separation, the parents may decide to get back together.  Or, they may decide it would be best for everyone in the family if they divorce.

I hope this answers your question.  You can always talk to my mom, Toni, at the CAC by email at

Your friend, Jack

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