Dear Jack,
I’m having problems at school with a bully named Sam. I don’t know why he is picking on me. I never did anything to him. I’m afraid to tell anyone about him because if I do it might get worse. He tries to frighten me into giving him my lunch money and I do it because I am afraid of being hurt. It really makes me angry, but I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?
Dear Brad,
Bullies are people who act tough and like to fight. They pick on people who are smaller or weaker than they are. Bullies act tough and fight so they can feel that they are as good as or better than other people. They want to be noticed. They want people to fear them and not bother them. Bullies express anger by being mean and fighting.
There are things you can do to avoid being bullied. Be kind to them. Even bullies find it hard to be mean to a kind person. If this does not work, stay away from them. If you have to be around them ignore them: do not look at them, listen to them or respond to them. If it’s impossible to ignore them, then face them. Look into their eyes. Tell them you do not want to be bullied and to leave you alone! Walk or run away from them if they insist on fighting. Get help if he keeps bothering you by talking to your parents, teacher or some other trusted adult. If you need more help, e-mail my mom, Toni Richmond, at (She is a counselor and helps kids all the time, and she can let me know if you e-mail us back!)
Sound advice. Thank you CAC for providing simple instructions for kids.